Friday, June 17, 2005

My Buddy Tea Pot

Once or twice in your life, if you're lucky, you'll meet someone who will change your life so remarkably that you'll look back on that moment and think, sincerely, introspectively, how much better you are now then before you met. For me, that individual is Tea Pot. He is a tea pot.

I don't drink tea, except occasionally at Chinese restaurants but I think they use bamboo or something, rather than invading the personal space of a tea pot such as Tea Pot. I also don't make political jokes about President Harding (though I will tell you that I DO know some great ones... but I digress) or his initials. Thus, he is not uncomfortable around me. And for my part, he's metal, which is nice. He's also not very flamible, which, if you know me well, is probably a good idea. Tea Pot is my best friend and the people who look at us funny when we walk down the street together, Tea Pot dragged behind on his leash, well, I hate them. They don't understand me and they don't understand Tea Pot. This is a special, symbiotic (a-sexual) friendship. Like women, Tea Pots are sick of being told they need to stay in the kitchen. Wake up America, this land is big enough for all of us. Give a Tea Pot a hug.

Big ups to my dawg T!


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